Greece's Eurovision 2025 Songs
Eurovision 2025 | Eθνικός Τελικός - 30 Ιανουαρίου 2025
Eurovision 2025 | Eθνικός Τελικός - 30 Ιανουαρίου 2025
During the ancient Olympic Games, only freeborn Greek men were allowed to compete. However, in one instance, a chariot race was won by... a horse!
Kafeneio Greek Coffee House, Manhattan, New York 1919
Ancient Greece expanded to include much more than modern Greece. It included much of modern coastal Turkey, southern Italy, Sicily, and Libya. While Athens may be the most famous and impressive Ancient Greek city to see today, many of the best ancient cities are outside of Greece.
Is there any doubt that certain Greek coffees would rank among the best coffees in the world? Anyone who sat at a Greek cafe or beachside with a chilled frappe can attest to their incredible flavor. Below is a feature of the 3 Greek coffees that were selected and then the full list of the greatest coffees around the world. Make sure you're drinking one of these amazing coffees while you read!
The fervor for all things Greek that the United States experienced in the 1820s, and America's significant philhellenic support for the Greek Revolution, have been well-documented.
The picturesque village of Paleo Mavronoros in Greece's Epirus region stands as a testament to bravery against oppressive forces and boasts an innate charm.
On a dystopian Greek island circa 1900, Hadoula, the widow of Ioannou Fragou, is a woman who has learned to survive in a male-dominated, patriarchal society by serving what her mother passed down to her – a difficult baton that perpetuates humiliation and inferiority in women. Hadoula is rebelling inside and it won't take long for this to happen outside as well. The little girls of the island become victims of her outburst. By taking their lives, she herself feels that she is freeing them from the social burden that their existence entails. Her actions at some point become autonomous and bring her face to face with the law. She leaves her home and finds refuge in nature. But as much as her morals dictate that she did the right thing, in reality her chronic trauma follows her everywhere. The end comes as redemption.
In the snowy valleys of the Indian Himalayas, a secluded lake is the resting place of numerous human skeletons.
What? Athens’s new coastal development is on track to revitalize its defunct airport as Europe’s largest coastal park. The Ellinikon will be an urban center built with sustainability and accessibility from the outset.
In Greek mythology, "Chaos" refers to the void state preceding the creation of the universe or cosmos. It's a term that represents the initial formlessness, a vast, dark, indefinite space or abyss from which the first entities appeared. The concept of Chaos can be found in ancient Greek literature, notably in Hesiod's "Theogony," which describes the genealogy and origins of the gods.
The existence of a sophisticated, flourishing society on ancient Crete was discovered by the British archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans, from 1900-1905, when he organized the excavations at Knossos. The labyrinth-like maze of rooms called to mind the myth of King Minos and the Minotaur, and Evans named this very old society "Minoan."
Sailing into port in Santorini on a cruise ship is a breathtaking experience. Cliffs with five red and brown ribbons of pumice and ash rise above, with the picturesque, whitewashed towns of Thera and Oia at the crest. A donkey path or funicular are your only options to ascend from the sea.
The Twelve Labors of Hercules, or Herakles, occupy a special place in the pantheon of Greek mythology, and in the worldview of the ancient Greeks.
Ancient Greece is often celebrated for its advancements in philosophy, governance, and arts. Yet, equally important is its role in refining the principles of warfare.
One of our favorite movie franchises is back! Watch our review of the My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 movie and get ready to be transported to Greece!
In ancient Greece, having a second toe longer than the big toe was considered a standard of beauty.
"Dogtooth" (2009) is a Greek drama film directed by Yorgos Lanthimos. The movie delves deep into the themes of control, manipulation, and isolation.
Pheidias, often considered one of the greatest sculptors of ancient Greece, lived during the 5th century BCE. He was a pivotal figure during the Classical period of Greek art, and his works set the standards for classical beauty, form, and proportion.
The Amazons are a group of warrior women from Greek mythology known for their fierceness in battle and their society where men were excluded from most activities and decision-making processes.
In this picture, Greek Cypriot refugee Solomos Solomou is attempting to climb a flagpole in order to remove a Turkish flag from its mast in the United Nations Buffer Zone in Cyprus. He was then shot and killed by a Turkish officer (Deryneia, Cyprus 1996).
In Ancient Greece, prostitutes were classified into two classes; the Pornai and the Hetairai. The Pornai served many men at once, and frequently worked on the street. In contrast, Hetarai were educated, had few clients, and provided companionship and intellectual discussion as well as sex.
An ancient Greek stadium before and after excavation.