North Macedonia’s compliance with Prespa in the spotlight (Replay)

Written on 07/16/2024
Hellenic Leaders

Last week HALC sounded the alarm over North Macedonia’s adherence to the Prespa Agreement, launching a letter and petition to the State Department urging it to remind Skopje that international agreements are binding - not optional - and that there will be consequences. North Macedonia’s newly elected leaders have repeatedly referred to their country simply as “Macedonia” rather than the constitutional name “North Macedonia”. Given the renewed attention on this issue, we are re-sharing our discussion with Prof. James Ker-Lindsay from last month where we looked into the mixed signals Skopje is sending about the Prespa agreement, and discussed the broader risks this poses for the region. 

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here:

HALC Questions North Macedonia’s Prespa Agreement Compliance

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