The rise of the Athens Riviera

Written on 07/22/2024
Hellenic Leaders

The Athens Riviera - a 60 kilometer shoreline spanning from Piraeus to Sounio - is currently undergoing a major rejuvenation, attracting both local and foreign investors. This transformation includes mega-projects like the Ellinikon at the former Athens airport which is touted as the largest real estate project in Europe and promises to be a “smart” city. Eleni Varvitsioti, the Financial Times correspondent for Greece and Cyprus, joins Thanos Davelis to look into the rise of the Athens Riviera and explore how major investments and projects along the Athenian coastline are poised to transform it, marking a new chapter for the Greek capital. 

You can read the articles we discuss on our podcast here:

The audacious rise of the Athens Riviera

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